Tuesday, August 5, 2008

about precalculuc.....

Knowledge and Skills Required
Questions on the examination require you to demonstrate the following abilities:
Recalling factual knowledge and/or performing routine mathematical manipulation
Solving problems that demonstrate comprehension of mathematical ideas and/or concepts
Solving nonroutine problems or problems that require insight, ingenuity, or higher mental processes
The subject matter of the Precalculus examination is drawn from the following topics. The percentages next to the topics indicate the approximate percentage of exam questions on that topic.
Approximate Percent of Examination
Algebraic Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities
Ability to perform operations on algebraic expressions
Ability to solve equations and inequalities, including linear, quadratic, absolute value, polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric
Ability to solve systems of equations, including linear and nonlinear
Functions: Concept, Properties, and Operations
Ability to demonstrate an understanding of the concept of a function, the general properties of functions (e.g., domain, range), function notation, and to perform symbolic operations with functions (e.g., evaluation, inverse functions)
Representations of Functions: Symbolic, Graphical, and Tabular
Ability to recognize and perform operations and transformations on functions presented symbolically, graphically, or in tabular form
Ability to demonstrate an understanding of basic properties of functions and to recognize elementary functions (linear, quadratic, absolute value, square root, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, and piecewise-defined functions) that are presented symbolically, graphically, or in tabular form
Analytic Geometry
Ability to demonstrate an understanding of the analytic geometry of lines, circles, parabolas, ellipses, and hyperbolas
Trigonometry and its Applications
Ability to demonstrate an understanding of the basic trigonometric functions and their inverses and to apply the basic trigonometric ratios and identities (in right triangles and on the unit circle)
Ability to apply trigonometry in various problem-solving contexts
Functions as Models
Ability to interpret and construct functions as models and to translate ideas among symbolic, graphical, tabular, and verbal representations of functions
Knowledge and Skills Required
Most textbooks used in college-level precalculus courses cover the topics in the above outline, but the approaches to certain topics and the emphasis give to them may differ. To prepare for the Precalculus exam, it is advisable to study one or more college textbooks, which can be found in most college bookstores. When selecting a textbook, check the table of contents against the "Knowledge and Skills Required" for this test.
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